Well everybody needs one of these sights
Broken Online Zine
NMRC The Nomad
Mitnick Kevin Mitnick
2600 The Hacker Quarterly
ActionOnline Computer Security
InfoWar Win95/NT
Rhino9 Rhino Archives hacking tools # this recently went offline
Twistedinternet Largest archive of online Knowledge # this recently went offline
Exposed Hacking exposed
Access Access.org
AntiOnline Antionline computer security
cypherpunks Berkley
defcon forums, groups, mailing lists, events
digicrime Uh, ok.
elitehackers a clean page
net_culture Lots of reading and links
Rainbow The infamous Rainbow Series
phrack ezine
phrack-listing html articles stuff from the 80's.
textfiles My boss may not like this one cuz ya can get stuck here for a while.
Fyodor's The name says it all
Unix-sockets Wow check out the forum too.
If you notice that there is a broken link please let me know, also if you
find a good one let me know and I will post it. It seems to be the nature
of these sites to come and go fairly quickly.