Whew, survived. For a moment, it didn't seem that I would. People seem to consider On Orbit harder than Bohlman, but for me the toughest pitch was on Bohlman. At one point, I thought I would tip over. So I felt great that I did not get off my bike.
Jimmy was impressive. He raced pro (against people like Lance Armstrong) when he was younger. Although retired from racing, he is still not your average recreational cyclist. He sports a double crankset. When I was dying pushing my granny gear, he rode in circles around me. Wow!

Distance (mi) 39.0
Elevation Range (ft) 202 - 3110
Total Ascent (ft) 6188
Moving Time 03h 31m 25s
Stopped Time 00h 09m 57s
Average Speed (mph) 10.6