I agree. I think part of the hoopla is, and I hate to say this, but that hope word. After 8 years of Bush people are hoping this guy will be The Messiah. Many of us are grasping at straws.
McCain has some valid points of view, he also had some that I did not like. The he, out of the blue, picked the Bush in a skirt for a Vice.
So when the Obama opportunity came along it was like a fresh drink of water after spending a week in the desert. Add that to fact that he is half black, there are a butt load of people, me one of them, that thought no way that is going to happen. All of it together and it kinda becomes a big deal.
I have not watched any tv except for an hour of a Sharks game. The radio has been mostly off. So the whole event isn't bothering me to much.