Flickr blows chunks
So does Bookface. And most on-line apps. For phucks sake, the only one of them that doesn't blow chunks is Mudn'Crud and that's only good because I know the owner's phone number and can call and threaten him.
But in the greater scheme of things, their flaws and the amount they charge are inconsequential. My Flickr account exceeded the "free limit" of photos long, long ago. So I "auto-pay" them annually (or every other year, I don't recall) and will for as long as I can see ahead. The annual cost? About the same as gas for two trips to and from Pinnacles. Or a dozen bolts with hangers.
Bigger fish to fry.
Now, excuse me, I've had a very, very intense day at work. I'm home now and halfway through a glass of wine (and quite feeling it). Lemme get back to that.