I studied Japanese for one semester in 1995. That was a beginning conversational class. Only knowing that much what would tend to happen is I start talking to someone, they assume that I speak Japanese and then they say a bunch of stuff I don't understand.
Google translate is really handy especially if the person you are"talking" to also has it on their phone. This way you can both type simultaneously and show each other replies. Sometimes I would pre type the question, approach someone, say in Japanese "hello excuse me I speak very little Japanese" and show them the question in Japanese on my phone.
While Google translate is helpful it becomes tiresome pretty fast. It left me feeling like I wanted to have a less awkward conversation. Great for reading things like menus. I think I will take another course at the community center in Japan town before my next visit.
So to answer the question there was never a specific problem or incident with the language. Like I said in the TR if you know a little bit it goes a long way because people feel like you are making some effort. I see a lot of Amercan tourists who make no effort. Just walk right up to other people and start speaking English. I think no matter what country some one is visiting they can learn excuse me, thank you, I'm sorry, hello, goodbye, my name is, etc.