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Jack Holmgren on Resurrection (that pin driven in upside down 'protecting' the crux was way scary!!!!!)
I must say, I have always been a fashionable kind of guy.
Conduit to the Cosmosme on obtaining the 2nd pitch belay in 1983.
Size Matters
Not that I have any room to talk but I didn't know the local clown college sold used clothes
and now for something completely different for those who are re-educatedLaughing Hyenas p2 5.11c Calaveras Dome 1985
To Jim's credit he got it half right. The title of the thread is Pinns Nostalgia, so he got the Nostalgia part. Also, I think I see a pin in that pic.
Does the T in C.R.A.F.T. stand for tidbit?
Jim you can post granite on to to your hearts content. No granite haters there!