At least 6 days a week I am overwhelmed but that one Pinnacles day a week helps get me through.
The "game" is they bury you with work to the point where you think you will never get out from under.
They also make you fulfill nonsensical requirements to keep you in school as long as possible and keep their coffers full.
Universities and colleges are businesses first and foremost.
If you think it's bad now - wait until you get into grad school - you're still working on your undergrad right?
I actually liked grad school better but I was already in my 40's and knew how to play the game (school of hard knocks).
Maybe it was also partly because I wasn't working 60 hours a week (at night) while I took classes.
Just keep tapping and turning - you'll get there - and some day you can have a bonfire with all the stacks of stuff you saved (thinking you might need them again).