By my math it sounds like consensus on Full Circle is 3 stars.

Sounds like Zay was on Full Circle and Brad was in the High Peaks. What's your star assessment Zay?
You guys should get giant watches and subscribe to Strava so we can track you

F4 said he saw someone on top of Smokestack but we didn't hear the BPS so it must have been someone else.
All this detective work is exhausting!
Noal working on bolt 5.
I placed a long 5 piece bolt (bolt 4) - then Noal went up and managed to stand in a void left where everything peeled off

F4 went up next and got a bolt in for a hairy transition over to the main mass. I finished the day by tensioning sideways to get in a long triplex bolt that will get us to an airy stance and "should" set us up for the finish (we live in hope!).
We didn't make a lot of upward progress (due to rock quality issues) but we did make significant progress and regained some hope at the end of the day. We remain steadfast. Too bad the rock doesn't understand the literal meaning of that word.
We are already 7 bolts in to a climb that looks easy from the ground.
Oh what a tangled web Pinnacles weaves...
Noal and F4 should have a few more pics.
My legs are still tired this morning after bracing in that last locked out/straight-legged tension stance. I never moved my feet.