Jen is my spirit guide for the proper use and inflection of the F word while climbing with Brad. Lots of good laughter on those days. 
It sometimes reaches epic proportions.
She came within a hair of onsighting a very sustained 5.10c this summer. At the last little bit of 5.10 climbing she said: "I'm scared, I'm going to grab the draw."
I yelled: "NO, NO, you're almost there, don't do it!"
Her: "Fuck you Brad, I'm scared."
Me, after she grabs it: "Oh NO, you had it."
Her: "Fuck you Brad, I was scared."
Her, 10 minutes later, as she lowers down the route: "Fuck you Brad, why did you let me grab that draw?"
I'm pretty sure I wouldn't enjoy a day with BAP if I didn't hear "Fuck you Brad" at least once.