Look forward to the write-up of the route. Was it dry enough to reasonably climb? I was at the base several weeks ago, but it was way too wet to climb since it was northwest facing.
It stays nice and shady except at the belay. I roasted there when Kat and I did the 2nd pitch.
My writeup is on page 47 of this thread and will probably give you more details than the finished product

Brevity is not my strong point when writing route descriptions.
Ribbit and Croak 5.6R
Starts about 50 feet left of Getch Getchy Bird on the west face of The Frog. Step off a big boulder and climb the face up and a little left to bolt 1. Continue up and a little left to bolt 2, then start traversing up and right to bolts 3 and 4. Climb up from bolt 4 toward the large overhang above. Duck under/into the right edge of the overhang and then make committing, runout moves out and onto the slab on the right – make a few more moves to reach bolt 5. Traverse right to bolts 6 and 7. There is a big, hollow, unstable? scab past bolt 7 with two medium-sized lodestones next to each other. These provide footholds and allow careful passage across the hollow scab and onto a dirty slab. Move up the slab to a big lodestone and climb onto the lodestone to reach the two-bolt anchor with chains – 110 feet from the start. Rappel 70 feet to the ground or continue up pitch 2.
FA Date 10-7-18, FA Party: John Cook, Jon Cochran
Pitch 2 – clip the first bolt (out left of the anchor) and step over an easy overhang, onto an exposed stance. Make committing moves up and slightly left to bolt 2. Climb to a third bolt about 25 feet higher. From the 3rd bolt, continue up a few moves and escape out right onto class four terrain - then meander to the summit (topping out below the left side/north end of the summit block, 65 feet from the start). Scramble down the opposite/east side 20 feet (class two) and belay from flat ground (no summit anchor). Walk off South Side Shuffle and around the south end of the formation.
FA Date 11-4-18, FA Party: John Cook, Kathy Cook