I spent the day yesterday torquing bolts on 3 new routes (22 bolts total) and putting the final touches on the new routes we did last week. I removed the old split shafts and patched the holes from the abandoned route (dubbed Hairy Pothead and the Half Drilled Bolts) by clink. If we lived in olden times he would be clink the Clever.
Here is the upper bolt they used to bail from.
You can just barely see the split showing from this angle (there is a little debris in the spllt).

Here is another view from the opposite side and you can see how bad the surface and cratering was.
I noticed that the end of the stud was a bit bunged up but the nut came off without a problem and I was able to remove the hanger and the tat and get the puller tool situated.

After a couple turns there was a fairly loud pop and the bolt slid out/fell out with no more wrenching.
Here is how much of the bolt was actually in the rock.

I pulled the lower bolt in the same fashion and there was no pop. Just a few turns and the bolt fell out.
Just for fun I checked the hole depths before patching them and neither of the bolts was under-driven.
Why did they drill such shallow holes?
Why did they abandon the route?
Some things aren't meant to be known.
One thing is for sure. There are now two really fun, long, well protected routes on good rock below Old Route. Old Route is also well worth doing - the moves are fun and the rock is really good.
I added chains to the anchor for Endeavor to Persevere.
When I was done with Crocodile Crag I went over to The Love Handles and torqued all the bolts on Muffin Top.
If you haven't done Muffin Top - take a walk over next time you're at the Sisters and give the holds a squeeze

Here is the tallest Crocodile Snout. I noticed there are some excellent views of the routes on The Hatchet and Ridge Rock from the anchors for the new climbs. It would be a good spot to get photos of someone climbing either of those routes.