Here are some shots from Monday. I went out with Brad, Russ and Dave to work on some new stuff.
Our first objective was a pinnacle Brad set his sights on up near Clinker.
The approach had some 3rd class and some PO to dodge. The PO in that area is already in full leaf. YUCK!
The climb was super mossy and still a bit damp. A slung tree branch was the only psychological pro.
The branch had way too much sway in it to inspire me to want to trust it.
The route starts in a large saddle that will catch the rope and the leader, providing they fall off to the left.
Brad took the lead and started working on an anchor. I led up and started working on a second anchor bolt.
Dave led last and finished the hole Brad started. Once I had my bolt done I belayed Russ up to join us.
The rappel went free for about the last 20 feet, depositing us in a PO free area. Thanks to Brad for supplying one of the bolts plus the chain and screwlinks.
After The Barge we went and started 2 more new routes. Brad fixed a pin and got a bolt started. Russ and Dave took turns drilling the bolt hole. It was a tough chore using an aider for one foot to gain a stemming stance. Russ and Dave are just getting started with drilling and they did a great job of sticking with it and getting the bolt placed. I got three bolts in the line I started. Looks like both lines will be long and fun when they are finished. Can't wait to get back up there

Brad at the summit (taken from more than halfway up the route, looking at the final furry slab)

Dave and JC drilling the anchor bolts

Russ nearing the summit

Brad raps first from the nicely equalized anchor

The Barge from downhill at the start of the approach