Waldo came out and climbed some routes with me and Kat on Saturday. He led Call of the Crud and he and Kat followed Squeaky Clean Mud and TRed Here’s Mud in Your Eye.
Waldo in the vicinity of bolt 3 while leading Call of the Crud 5.5

After he said adios, I bolted the line right of Here's Mud in Your Eye - two bolts compared to HMIYE's 4. It leads you to standing on the biggest perched lodestone I know of anywhere in Pinns to clip bolt 2. Mudster's Ball 5.7* A decent addition but obviously not as enticing as HMIYE since no one took a shot at the coveted 2nd ascent yesterday. Who wants to snake Brad? The line was originally TRed by clink and at that time we called it Senor Skid Marcos. It may actually produce the requisite brown spots for someone leading at the grade. I told clink I was going to climb to the ball for the first bolt but decided that no one would probably ever want to repeat it if I did that. It had a nice stance for the first bolt (albeit hairy to get there) but no way to let go to drill. I set up some slings with adjustable daisies and half-stood, half-hung to drill bolt 1. I have been wondering why my shoulder has been bothering me lately.

Here is some perspective

Here is the ball

And another for perspective

Climbed Squeaky Clean Mud with JC, as he says, it was stupid fun. Steep 5.6.
Aaron, Bee, Paul and I climbed Mud Diamond, sweet rock. They also climbed Prairie Falcon, Imprint, Here's Mud in your Eye and Bathing Beauty. Aaron and JC also wandered up Craig's route, said it was good.
Many of these are north facing, great for warm days but cold in the wind yesterday.
Aaron, clink, Paul and Bee came out to the mud yesterday to enjoy some select menu choices. Maybe I should design a mud a la carte tour for the PCAD?
Aaron got things going by jumping right on Imprint 5.8*

B stepped up and proved it can be done by those under 6 feet. She had a time getting that first clip but she worked it out. Her left hand is just below the bolt. Can you say flash pump?

As Austin Powers would say - Yeah daddy! Squeaky Clean Mud is giggly fun coming in at 5.6 and two stars. I left some spice in the bolting pattern but it is all there.
Waldo got this shot from across the slot on Saturday

clink was all grins on Squeaky. Here he is about to exit the steeps.

The Seelig route is actually decent but not 5.7. I will get back up there and brush off all the pine needles so people can actually see the holds. It has a spacious bolting pattern. There are many slingable knobs along the way. So many that I ran out of slings and I took 4. The rock was surprisingly good after exhuming much of it from under the piles and piles of pine needles. Did I mention that there were a lot of pine needles?
Aaron thought it was 5.9. I'll go with that and half a star, which would round up to one. Must have been how they determined the star for Brown Rice and Boogers

I was glad everyone did not listen when I said strip at the parking lot. They would have froze most of the day like me!
It was windy and cool all day. A high of 72 on the park gauge. Season my arse.

Aaron removes the last sling from a knob as he exits the pines on Solotero. Thanks Aaron!