Author Topic: Quest for Mud (Special Edition)  (Read 685367 times)

Brad Young

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Re: Quest for Mud (Special Edition)
« Reply #840 on: June 18, 2018, 09:11:19 AM »

...I'm at a total loss for words.

Admittedly this is not a common occurrence  ::)

Brad Young

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Re: Quest for Mud (Special Edition)
« Reply #841 on: June 18, 2018, 06:24:30 PM »

Thanks for joining the fun Clink.  What JC did not say about the climb yesterday, but I will - it was #500!

I've been thinking about how to comment about this. The obvious is bland: congratulations!

Not bland is the fact that John now has done 500 routes at Pinnacles in good style, in six Goddamn years. Is this dedication? Or fanaticism? Both? Insanity or steady-minded perseverance (definitely both on this one)?

Mix in somewhere around 200 old, crusty bolts that he has now replaced with modern hardware and I'd say he's making himself quite at home at this wonderful place.

Amazing. And totally admirable.


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Re: Quest for Mud (Special Edition)
« Reply #842 on: June 18, 2018, 08:26:34 PM »
Congratulations on 500! 
Here's to sweat in your eye


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Re: Quest for Mud (Special Edition)
« Reply #843 on: June 19, 2018, 05:43:02 AM »
Not bland is the fact that John now has done 500 routes at Pinnacles in good style, in six Goddamn years. Is this dedication? Or fanaticism? Both? Insanity or steady-minded perseverance (definitely both on this one)?

 Well said.

Amazing. And totally admirable.

Causing trouble when not climbing.


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Re: Quest for Mud (Special Edition)
« Reply #844 on: June 19, 2018, 06:17:03 AM »
  JC and Brad as babies, were dropped on their heads and then in both cases, the poor infants continued to fall down a flight of stairs. While the flight of stairs JC fell down was quite long, the one Brad fell down was longer and continued into a busy street where he was also run over by a mule. The good news was that the mule was found by it's owner soon after.
Causing trouble when not climbing.

Brad Young

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Re: Quest for Mud (Special Edition)
« Reply #845 on: June 19, 2018, 06:39:14 AM »

 JC and Brad as babies, were dropped on their heads and then in both cases, the poor infants continued to fall down a flight of stairs. While the flight of stairs JC fell down was quite long, the one Brad fell down was longer and continued into a busy street where he was also run over by a mule. The good news was that the mule was found by it's owner soon after.

One of the things that's obvious on this site: I am completely surrounded by freaks.

Brad Young

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Re: Quest for Mud (Special Edition)
« Reply #846 on: June 19, 2018, 06:40:46 AM »
I've got an idea for J.C.:

600 by 60!

It's got a nice ring to it doesn't it?

JC w KC redux

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Re: Quest for Mud (Special Edition)
« Reply #847 on: June 19, 2018, 07:21:49 AM »
 JC and Brad as babies, were dropped on their heads and then in both cases, the poor infants continued to fall down a flight of stairs. While the flight of stairs JC fell down was quite long, the one Brad fell down was longer and continued into a busy street where he was also run over by a mule. The good news was that the mule was found by it's owner soon after.

clink the clever strikes again  :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
One wheel shy of "normal"

JC w KC redux

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Re: Quest for Mud (Special Edition)
« Reply #848 on: June 19, 2018, 07:30:02 AM »
I've got an idea for J.C.:

600 by 60!

It's got a nice ring to it doesn't it?

That definitely is not happening but I agree it has a nice ring.
I wish all my mud brothers could have been on the recent FA but as is quite normal in my life, the timing was wrong.
I do appreciate all the help and support from everyone over the years.
Should we start a reality show for what so many consider the off season? Pinnacles - from NOT to HOT  :idea: :thumbup: :biggrin:
One wheel shy of "normal"


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Re: Quest for Mud (Special Edition)
« Reply #849 on: June 20, 2018, 05:58:41 AM »
One of the things that's obvious on this site: I am completely surrounded by freaks.

 Brad, your non-bland congratulation contained the words; dedication, fanaticism, insanity, steady-minded, and perseverance. I have heard moments of fanaticism and insanity, and even extreme dedication and perseverance in a normal person attributed to or dismissed by the statement, "Don't mind him, he was dropped on his head as a baby". This excuses a degree of abnormality in a "normal" person. I was simply trying to expand this metaphor to represent an honest quantification of your own and JC's abnormality.

 I have climbed a few Pinnacles X/R routes that I felt fortunate to survive and hope to never relive that experience. You two have climbed so many of these.

 The Mastery of Insanity

 This is so far beyond my capability that I run out of comprehension...
Causing trouble when not climbing.


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Re: Quest for Mud (Special Edition)
« Reply #850 on: June 20, 2018, 10:30:40 AM »
so does this thread work for talking about how are day was at pinns?

if not, apologies in advance...

... the heat is on! been to the park 5 times in the last 8 days. its getting hotter :(

took my mother to the east side for some hiking yesterday. she doesnt do well with heat but insisted she wanted to "have a real hike." looking at the forecast, i suggested that we could head up condor gulch to the high peaks before noon, and come down the HP trail back to bear gulch. i warned her full well to expect temps in the upper eighties/low nineties by the time we summitted.

planned worked great. with all the uphill behind us we casualy leap frogged from shade to shade. she saw condors. and a western whiptail lizard!

after some beer and a picnic, she abandoned me at bear gulch like a good mother.. but i had a trick up my sleeve.

my girlfriend megan was scheduled to meet me "somewhere around tiburcios x" where i would be top rope soloing until her arival with the full rack ;)

i didnt get fifty feet from the parking lot before turning around and seeing her show up!

despite the clock reading 4pm, it was still in the upper 80's... 6 hours of high peaks hiking and 24oz of lagunitas invoked a feeling of lethargy.

"screw it i need to lead rat race anyway."

we also toproped rat face and set a directional on the 5.9 hand crack to the right. that one is atrocious! 0/10 would not lead.

after so much fun, i was determined to finally lead coyote ugly... so we hiked up there with each step growing heavier and heavier.... upon finaly arriving to the reservior i elected to lie down for a quick nap in the gravel.

i snored.

15 minutes later, a boost of energy got me up, but a stumbling step indicated i might be too tired.

"you dont have to lead this right now..."

"but im ready!"

but tired is tired. the mind was willing but the body was weak.

maybe this afternoon...


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Re: Quest for Mud (Special Edition)
« Reply #851 on: June 20, 2018, 02:52:21 PM »
Yes, there was a tradition for use to always lead rat race at the end of the day.

I thought it was Beer Gulch?
I'm not worthy.

JC w KC redux

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Re: Quest for Mud (Special Edition)
« Reply #852 on: June 20, 2018, 04:09:19 PM »
Yes, there was a tradition for use to always lead rat race at the end of the day.

I thought it was Beer Gulch?

The two uh youse?
One wheel shy of "normal"


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Re: Quest for Mud (Special Edition)
« Reply #853 on: June 20, 2018, 07:50:53 PM »
Well as I proceeded to Hardman status the day with joe ended with pickpocket.
Still Rat Race is a fun one.
I'm not worthy.


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Re: Quest for Mud (Special Edition)
« Reply #854 on: June 25, 2018, 03:13:05 PM »
5.9 hand crack to the right. that one is atrocious! 0/10 would not lead.

ATDS! lol

Pinns in the summer, buahahahaha. Ya'll are nuts. No thx.
On Aid at Pinns... It's all A1 til it crumbles. - Munge

JC w KC redux

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Re: Quest for Mud (Special Edition)
« Reply #855 on: September 13, 2018, 08:07:51 AM »
It's that time again boys and girls  :yesnod: :biggrin: :thumbup: :lol:

You might think from the way the rope is running there is a bolt in there somewhere. Wrong! :yikes:
Exploring to the top of the downclimb on p2 - Chaos Crag.
One wheel shy of "normal"


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Re: Quest for Mud (Special Edition)
« Reply #856 on: September 13, 2018, 02:14:52 PM »
I thought the tradition was to solo Rat Race at the end of the day.

Yes, there was a tradition for us to always lead rat race at the end of the day.

I thought it was Beer Gulch?
Here's to sweat in your eye


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Re: Quest for Mud (Special Edition)
« Reply #857 on: September 14, 2018, 08:15:09 AM »
It's that time again boys and girls  :yesnod: :biggrin: :thumbup: :lol:

Woohooooooo!!!!  Ready!
The "best" climber is the one having the most fun.


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Re: Quest for Mud (Special Edition)
« Reply #858 on: September 14, 2018, 03:27:07 PM »
I thought the tradition was to solo Rat Race at the end of the day.
That was POD
I'm not worthy.

JC w KC redux

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Re: Quest for Mud (Special Edition)
« Reply #859 on: September 15, 2018, 09:34:44 AM »
Some shots from yesterday

Greeted by this little fella on the way in - beep beep  :thumbup: :biggrin:

and this big fella once we got started on the quest

Now a couple obligatory climbing shots - some sinewy stemming to place the first piece (on the third pitch) Chaos Crag

Shift over, sling a knob and move along

Grovel your way along moss, dirt and imaginary pro (love the shadow :yesnod:)

Now enjoy a monster of a summit with some hoopin' and hollerin'

Or two

and some bodacious views along with the knowledge that you NEVER have to do this route again (unless you really want to)  :lol:

One wheel shy of "normal"