After finishing up the (Brad's ?) grey chute that JC had called Just Chute Me and I dubbed High Lee and Unlike Lee, we backtracked around to the north side of the formation to escape the sun. First we scrambled up a fin to a ledge with a nice tree and a possible line, but the rock quality after 20 ft up looked questionable. Rather than put effort into this, we continued around to the toe(lowest point) of the buttress to take a look at a line that caught our attention the first trip to the area.
A beautiful lodestone started us out just left of the toe, followed by consistently great holds at a left diagonal and then dancing up to a headwall (45 ft up) that looked more do-able on the left. The route instead went more or less straight up, right through the steepest part and within a sea of bomber holds at 5.7 (for my height.) The next stance was a beauty, as was the whole day and a new route.
It all started with me polluting the bathroom with a very "special edition", just in time for the arrival of the sport climbers. Who decided after a brief conversation, that it was the worst bathroom smell they had ever encountered in their short life experience, at which point I offered up only "Special edition" from the far stall as an explanation. JC heard them relate their dangerous encounter to the girl partner back at the car and I found him nearly dead from shaking with laughter on my return.