It's been very, very quiet here on Mudn'Crud in this, the height of the non-Pinnacles season.
So I'm going to break a rule. Slightly. These are route names. Real routes, real names. But they aren't from Pinnacles. I love Pinnacles. But it's out of season. And it's been so, so quiet here. So, here comes a slight rule infraction.
These routes are at Burst Rock. Most of you who read these threads know that that area is on Sonora Pass Highway. The climbs are on a newly climbed formation I've named "Toller Tower." Most of you who know me know that the word "Toller" is short for my dogs' breed: "Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retrievers."
Eight routes:
- White Paws (70 feet, mixed bolts and gear, 5.10b ***);
- Gorgeous Eyes;
- Rabid Retrievers;
- Fanatical Fetchers;
- Fine Feathers;
- Sticks;
- Snowballs; and
- (For the ugly, dirty 5.2 chimney that just had to be soloed): Cleaning Up the Yard.
We're having way too much fun up here