Author Topic: Favorite Trails  (Read 55376 times)


  • LoadStone Lovers
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Favorite Trails
« on: December 15, 2015, 10:00:54 PM »
What are your favorite trails to run and why do you like them?
My top trails have to be
1. Middle Cottonwood Trail Bozeman, Mt. The scenery was picturesque: alpine country so alpine it looked straight of of The Sound of Music. It's a 3,000 ft climb to the saddle which can eventually be taken to the summit of Saddle Peak which is the third highest peak in the Bridgers (I think-90% sure). It's also roughly four miles to the saddle which makes a perfect turnaround point. What I enjoyed most about the trail was that it was challenging both mentally and physically. It gave just enough flat ground in the right places to keep going but always had me low on oxygen. This was the first trail that I really actually enjoyed and probably ran it over twenty-five times.

2. Sypes Canyon also in Bozeman, Mt. This trail is actually just south of Middle Cottonwood; there is a 50K race which connects Truman's Gulch, Middle Cottonwood, and Sypes all together. This was the first trail I started to train on. It was a four mile in an out with about 75% uphill on the way in. Also had incredible scenery and is popular for hikers and trail runners.

3. Somewhere in the Ventana? I've only run Pine Ridge Trail from Cachagua to Big Sur. The trail was okay but the crazy amount of roots and large steps made fluidity difficult. I've probably hiked the full trail four times while around eight or nine when going to Sykes. I have a couple in mind south of the Pine Ridge Trail- I just need to get back in shape! I'm hoping to do do a jaunt in the near future from China Camp to Palo Colorado- I would prefer to do this with good weather in the late winter when I don't have to worry about rattlesnakes.

Brad Young

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Re: Favorite Trails
« Reply #1 on: December 15, 2015, 10:11:44 PM »
Hey Thomas, nice to see you on here.

I don't have an opinion trails to run, but, as you may have seen from the "Everywhere Else" section of this forum, my favorite for hiking is (obviously) the one, the only Pacific Crest Trail.

And, while I am posting, let me be the first to introduce you to a Mudn'Crud standard phrase which applies to your post. it goes like this: invalid without pictures  :P  :P


  • Meanderthal
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Re: Favorite Trails
« Reply #2 on: December 16, 2015, 03:43:16 AM »
Some of my favorite trails,

McNee Ranch State Park, California State Parks, San Mateo County
In brief:
8 mile partial loop starts with a killer climb to the top of Montara Mountain, but the return is all downhill.

Distance, category, and difficulty:
This 8 mile partial loop hike is moderately strenuous, climbing from the trailhead to North Peak on steep trails, with about 1800 feet in elevation change. Trailhead elevation is about 100 feet. The park's highest (accessible) elevation is about 1840 feet. Shorter loops are available.

Almost totally exposed.

Trail traffic:

Trail surface:
Dirt fire roads and trails.

Hiking time:
3.5 hours

Mount Diablo State Park, National Park Service, Contra Costa County

Mitchell Canyon is a popular staging area for long Diablo hikes. From here you can make an all-day excursion to Diablo's summit, a 14-mile round-trip from 590 to 3,849 feet and back again-one of the Bay Area's toughest day hikes. 

The West Ridge Trail to Chalk Mountain from Waddle creek.

The West Ridge Trail is one of the most challenging and scenic trails in Big Basin. This epic day hike begins in the pretty Rancho del Oso valley, climbing 1,000 feet to a ridgetop with some outstanding scenic vistas along the way. The trail then follows a redwood-covered ridge before breaking out into open chaparral and climbing Chalk Mountain, offering sweeping views over Big Basin and the coast. The West Ridge Trail is designated a "horse trail", which in Big Basin seems to mean "steep and gravelly".

A complete round-trip hike on this trail, returning on Highway One, would be 19 miles.

 I have done Chalk Mountain a few different ways, McNee twice and Diablo once, mostly in 2010-11. All have great views and increase the addiction. It's funny you posted this topic as I was thinking, or more musing, about another stint of hiking last weekend. Thanks for posting Thomas.

Causing trouble when not climbing.


  • Meanderthal
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Re: Favorite Trails
« Reply #3 on: December 16, 2015, 03:58:36 AM »
 In Ventana I fear the poison oak much more than the snakes. The the trail from Chine Camp through Sykes to Pfiefer is hard on the right knee do to most of the trail grade.
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Re: Favorite Trails
« Reply #4 on: December 16, 2015, 08:07:33 AM »
I run Sam McDonnald but that is because I can run it locally.  I have run Tiger Mountain in Wa and enjoyed it quite a bit.
Here's to sweat in your eye

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Re: Favorite Trails
« Reply #5 on: December 16, 2015, 10:28:16 AM »
In Ventana I fear the poison oak much more than the snakes. The trail from China Camp through Sykes to Pfeiffer is hard on the right knee due to most of the trail grade.

You fear PO? Seriously?
For someone that reads so much you can't spell worth shite or you just like posting with your phone using those meanderthal thumbs.
One wheel shy of "normal"


  • LoadStone Lovers
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Re: Favorite Trails
« Reply #6 on: December 16, 2015, 10:53:00 AM »
Clink, I looked up McNee Ranch State Park and it looks incredible! I'll have to stop by next time I pass by.
Luckily I don't get poison oak so I can be a little more carefree on the trail. The snakes though... I would just hate to get bitten 10 miles from the car without any cell service. Literally my nightmare.

I run Sam McDonnald but that is because I can run it locally.  I have run Tiger Mountain in Wa and enjoyed it quite a bit.

I have a friend that works at the YMCA camp just up the road. He has told me about a run that starts around that area and goes all the way to the coast; he ha had his eye on it for a while-it looks like a great place to run.


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Re: Favorite Trails
« Reply #7 on: December 16, 2015, 12:46:02 PM »
Have done a little exploring around that area and it is surprising how far a person can go.  With a little creativity it is also possible to get to the Skyline Trail system from there.
Here's to sweat in your eye


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Re: Favorite Trails
« Reply #8 on: December 16, 2015, 04:26:31 PM »
Huddart park. No other place can compare

Used to train there in college.

That place has helped shape some of the bay area's top runners back in the day.

You are either running up hill or downhill.
Either way, you will get strong.
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Re: Favorite Trails
« Reply #9 on: May 07, 2018, 09:55:07 AM »
Have done a little exploring arou
nd that area and it is surprising how far a person can go.  With a little creativity it is also possible to get to the Skyline Trail system from there.

Did this In a big loop yesterday.

Start on Skyline Grizzly Flat Parking 11 a.m.
Peter's creek trail
Wards rd
Slate creek trail to Portola redwoods park
Summit trail
Butano ridge trail
Basin trail to basin easement
Skyline to sea trail
Achistaca trail
Hickory oaks trail
Peter's creek

Back at the car at 9pm.  No ticket!

Brad Young

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Re: Favorite Trails
« Reply #10 on: May 07, 2018, 12:29:20 PM »

I spent a lot of time in those areas as a kid and in my 20s. Gorgeous country.


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Re: Favorite Trails
« Reply #11 on: May 07, 2018, 12:40:54 PM »
My new favorite area is portola redwoods/pescadero creek area.  This loop was the first time I did the butano ridge trail.  Beautiful with a cool sustained section of switchbacks.
I highly recommend.


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Re: Favorite Trails
« Reply #12 on: May 07, 2018, 01:30:15 PM »
Wow, big loop!  I like that area.  Did not explore it as much as I should have.

I rode pushed my bike up 1,500 feet or so of steep road bed then scared the crap out of myself on a new to me and unpublished descent.  At the same time I found an easy to access small cliff with no bolts.

Here's to sweat in your eye


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Re: Favorite Trails
« Reply #13 on: May 07, 2018, 05:54:43 PM »
Noal are you biking or walking? That loop sounds interesting.
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Re: Favorite Trails
« Reply #14 on: May 07, 2018, 06:52:17 PM »
Hiking/running. The loop is 30 miles.

It would be an awesome loop for bikes but ward rd, slate creek trail, and the basin easement are hiking only.  These are the gateways to linking up all of these parks.

Would be super sick to start at grizzly flat drop down to Steven's creek come back up to Saratoga gap and then do my loop. One can only dream....


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Re: Favorite Trails
« Reply #15 on: May 07, 2018, 08:08:47 PM »
Linking Grizzly flat to Portola redwoods / Pescadero is pretty easy.  The loop does not seem easy it would be huge, but linking is.  I can send you a pm or email.

Actually, re-reading your post it looks like that is what you did.  I see what you are saying, yes that would be crazy.  I can show you another interesting link up to get you to Pescadero yet another way.
Here's to sweat in your eye


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Re: Favorite Trails
« Reply #16 on: May 07, 2018, 09:03:03 PM »
The big rainfall in the last couple of years have damaged some of the trails. Two weeks ago I got to one that crosses Pescadero creek and it was completely washed out and covered with massive downed trees.

Yesterday there was a sign saying the trail connecting summit to butano was out and unsafe.  Saw a guy trail running in the opposite direction so I knew it connected.  For a moment there I thought I was shut down again. 


  • Meanderthal
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Re: Favorite Trails
« Reply #17 on: May 08, 2018, 05:38:21 AM »
 Noal, you are inspiring me to hit the trails again. Wish I could join you but I could not keep up.
Causing trouble when not climbing.