Author Topic: Rose To Toads 2014  (Read 8496 times)


  • unworthy
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    • Mudncrud
Rose To Toads 2014
« on: September 01, 2014, 10:44:12 AM »
Will write up later.  At work now so just a quickie to get things started.  I did manage to be the first person in, even though I was not the fastest rider ( old age and trickery wins it ), and to note this is not an official race.  I only retched once, a good healthy 5.10 OW retch.

Here's to sweat in your eye

JC w KC redux

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Re: Rose To Toads 2014
« Reply #1 on: September 01, 2014, 02:08:19 PM »
I only retched once, a good healthy 5.10 OW retch.

I just had a mini throw up :)
One wheel shy of "normal"

Brad Young

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Re: Rose To Toads 2014
« Reply #2 on: September 01, 2014, 02:58:07 PM »

I only retched once, a good healthy 5.10 OW retch.

Oh, I didn't see that before. There really isn't anything quite like a 5.10 OW retch.

But, actually there are two types of 5.10 OW retches; one type is where you fail on the route and the other is where you succeed on it. Which type was yours?


  • unworthy
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    • Mudncrud
Re: Rose To Toads 2014
« Reply #3 on: September 01, 2014, 03:01:15 PM »
It was not the fail on the route type of retch.
Here's to sweat in your eye


  • Meanderthal
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Re: Rose To Toads 2014
« Reply #4 on: September 01, 2014, 07:06:52 PM »
old age and trickery wins it

Did the next closest rider wipe out on your vomit?

Causing trouble when not climbing.


  • unworthy
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    • Mudncrud
Re: Rose To Toads 2014
« Reply #5 on: September 01, 2014, 08:17:35 PM »
No vomit, just a retch.  5.11 top out is full on upheaval.
Here's to sweat in your eye


  • unworthy
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    • Mudncrud
Re: Rose To Toads 2014
« Reply #6 on: September 01, 2014, 09:26:33 PM »
R2T (Rose To Toads)

We were initially going to drive up early Friday morning then work online from Truckee the rest of the day.  We figured there would still be time left to work on the bikes.  But, some dodgy planning on my part had me at the Indian Consulate Friday morning applying for a Visa.  About 6 hours later I left and hopefully later this week I will be set to go.  Things do not go quickly there and if you think DMV is bad spend a day there.  Once you get to the counter service is top notch.  But, getting there takes patience.  One person had a letter that lacked a signature, so they waited for the boss to drive up from Redwood City to sign it.  During this period of time everyone else waited as well.  Another person needed a print out from the bank and left, went to the bank, got the printout then came back and finished up.  We all waited, no multi-tasking here.

Anyway we headed up to Truckee in prime rush hour traffic.  mudworm's co-worker from India who was going up with us to do some site seeing asked us if this was the traffic we were hoping to miss and we all groaned/laughed.  We did finally make it but it was much later than anticipated and there was no online working or tinkering with bikes.

Saturday morning came plenty early, we got ready, ate, geared up and headed over to Mount Rose.  There were a few other early birds at the parking lot.  We took off in the first pack and initially got stuck behind a couple of riders before hitting the woods.  From there Patrick stuck on my wheel and we quickly ended up at the start of the Flume Trail.  Somewhere along Flume Patrick dropped off.  I figured he would quickly catch back up since he is quite strong on the hills.  But, like Superman, Patrick has a weakness and his is elevation.  I can remember the only other time I have dropped him, in anyway, was on the Tahoe Rim Trail.

I did not see any other people until ridding down the hill to the campground.  Then it was on to the Spooner checkin where I grabbed one bar and headed up to the bench.  The view up here is beautiful with great vista's but I had a feeling I was out front so just kept moving along.  As I got close to Kingsbury grade I started to come across the first early morning hikers of the day.  Once at Kingsbury there are a couple of ways to get to the Fox and Hound which was where the second rest stop was.  I think Sean Allen and I passed here.  Me going one way, him going the other.  He got to the check point a couple of minutes before I did.  At the rest stop I filled my water and he talked with the crew before walking over to get a sandwich.  After he walked off the sign in lady said, well that was Sean Allen I should check you in as well.  At which point I said " that was Sean Allen, I know him." 

I quickly packed up and jetted off trying to build as much lead as possible.  I did fairly well and only crashed a few more times.  One crash was a quite spectacular over the bars affair where I did a full face plant then the bike came crashing down on top of me.  I managed to get up relatively unhurt.  I got back on the bike and started to peddle on when I noticed a couple standing about 20 feet away.  I cheerfully said hello and kept going on.  The gal seemed a bit taken a back and managed a rather meek hi.

After a bit I came to Star Lake where two guys saw me then quickly packed up and after a bit caught me.  When I topped out at Freel pass they were sitting there resting and after that I did not see them again. About the time I got to the top of Armstrong I was feeling the day.  A couple of miles in I got to the big switchbacks and got passed by a young kid who was riding strong.  A bit later I was hike a biking and I knew I was bonking bad so I started to force down some fig bars followed by water.  This is where I started to get waves of nausea.  I thought I could hold it together but then the stomach did a full on rebellion I stepped to the side and did a full belly retch.  Thankfully it was just a retch and nothing came up.  That seemed to do it and all systems seemed to call down.  I finished my fig newtons and drank more water and started to feel better.  Back on the bike to the top of Toads.  Really thought Sean would have passed by now and I could back off a bit.

I made it to the top of Toads and figured I had it in hand.  I did not go fast and walked more than I have in a long time but soon was hitting the lower parts of the trail.  I had to double back a couple of times as I missed some intersections.  Just one more small rise and the parking lot was in view and I soon heard someone say "First person off the Mountain".  I was a bit shocked but quite happy. 

I sat back and relaxed was offered a Tecate and good company.  Soon other riders started to come in and the parking lot was full and everyone was in full story mode.  Sean showed up after hitting the extra loop out to Christmas Valley and we tried to figure out how we missed each other.  The guy next to me introduced himself as Nate, I then introduced myself and we chatted for a bit.  After a while the guy on the single speed started to talk to Nate and asked his last name.  Nate said his last name was Arnold.  After a couple of minutes I said, oh, "Your Nate Arnold"  he laughed.  We follow each other online and I have seen his picture a few times.  That was good for a laugh or two.   Finally people started to head out and the shuttle van back to the parking lot showed up. 

In the van  Sean and I were still talking about how we missed each other.  I stated the only person that passed me was the young kid in a Bike Works kit that was ridding real strong.  Sean looked shocked, "Bike Works",  that was me.  He proceeded to pull down his shorts and show me his riding shorts, I turned to the gal next to him and told her she would have to look for me.  She blushed.  Now for those that do not know Sean Allen you should, but anyway Sean and I are the same age and we have met before.  The entire van was laughing at this point.  Sean is a much better rider than I am, but I am better looking.

There are no pictures because I was in race mode.

Sunday mudworm and I spent the day hanging out at the beach in Tahoe City, wading across the Truckee River, kayaking Lake Tahoe with Rahul, and eating lunch overlooking Emerald Bay.  Rahul is a very nice gentleman and co-worker of mudworm.  It was my pleasure to spend the day with him and show him a bit of Tahoe and learn a bit about India.

Here's to sweat in your eye.

Here's to sweat in your eye


  • Meanderthal
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Re: Rose To Toads 2014
« Reply #7 on: September 02, 2014, 05:01:07 AM »
Awesome share Mud. A delight to read.
Causing trouble when not climbing.