I'm recovering from a wrist injury for six weeks and I don't want to miss prime Pinnacles climbing season. I'm also trying to view my left arm atrophying as an opportunity to improve my footwork and balance. I'm allowed to use the arm lightly; just not pull hard. I've got the 07 guidebook and am happy to paw through it, but I was wondering if anyone here knows of some lower-angleish slabs that I could hop on while I'm healing?
Thanks in advance!
Welcome to the forum.
Not sure what your comfort level is for Pinns routes so I'll list everything I can think of.
Pinns doesn't have a lot of easy, low angle slab. It's mostly face climbing.
1st Sister has 2 long easy slab routes but they are not well protected in the easier portions.
You can stem through the crux section of the center route to keep from using your wrist much.
A lot of the other Sisters routes are pretty cool too but some are more face climbing than slab.
Here are some new routes that are either very easy or a mix of slab and face moves.
At the very least you'll get to see a lot of the park and hang in some cool areas.
I had to scroll through the new routes list to recall which ones might be good for you.
Newly Established and Found Routes list (sticky) Snake Charmer 5.6 - check out Pain in the Asp too
302.58 Wheelchair Access 5.3
325.216 Call of the Crud 5.5
325.33 Summer of Mud 5.1
325.34 It’s 4:20 Dude 5.5 * a few face moves
325.37 Mud, Sweat and Veers 5.0
352.923 Celebration Slab 5.3 *
352.926 Geezer Pleezer 5.0 *
363.61 Whaleback - Stairway to the Sun 5.0 *
364.92 Bare Bones 5.1
364.94 Johnnycake 5.0
370.42 Falsetto Slab 5.2 R
370.47 Foolish Pleasure 5.3 *
383.6 Endless Summer 5.1
459.3 Casino Rock’s Summit Ridge - Middle Chute 5.1 R
459.5 Casino Rock’s Summit Ridge - Right Chute 5.2 R
471.2 Apostrophe 5.3 R
484.1 Across the Great Divide 5.4 *
3rd Class Route on Beak Peak (really 4th Class and you have to downclimb)
485.5 The Hedonist 5.3 R *
627.8 Dollar a Day and Found 5.0 R
629.1 See Ya Crater Alligator 5.5 R
703.5 Seven Year Itch 5.2
check out the other Class 2, 3 and 4 Crowley Routes
The Big Bad West is a nice, easy route.
Agent Orange is pretty slabby but not a very good route (that's being generous).
Lichen to Lead is mostly slab, except the upper section where you pull through a few moves on bodacious knobs.
Harder slabs are Twisted Sister and The Lump