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Masters of Mud -- Pinnacles / Re: Brad's Tour of Mud (TR)
« Last post by JC w KC redux on November 19, 2024, 11:42:37 AM »
A little slow to catch this but - Just in case anyone else is feeling inspired...

I almost hate to point this out but...

Crowley Towers are still off limits (condors). I just looked at Gavin's most recent postings.

From Gavin's update on the last page of the closures thread;

Note that I did open up access to areas near Crowley Towers, including all Balconies routes and all Stronghold routes. Just please refrain from hiking or climbing right at Crowley Towers.

And on the main listing;

Balconies / Crowley
Sensitive: All routes on Crowley Towers, upper tier routes on Stronghold from Barbarians At The Gate to Arch Nemesis
Okay: All other routes on Balconies, Stronghold routes including Hidden Treasure and all lower tier routes
Masters of Mud -- Pinnacles / Re: Brad's Tour of Mud (TR)
« Last post by Brad Young on November 17, 2024, 10:00:25 PM »

I smiled rereading your TR. :)

Funny, I re-read it too.

And Adam, of COURSE you can do it in sub four hours.
Masters of Mud -- Pinnacles / Re: Brad's Tour of Mud (TR)
« Last post by Atomizer on November 17, 2024, 09:27:56 PM »
Eric is the only route setter at The Edge who is into real climbing (aka Pinnacles style) and can pull off some wicked stuff.
He's got an infectious personality that gets you psyched and enough loose screws to make it on this medium.
He crushed it today yet is absolutely crushed. I think he carried a tall boy Modelo for the endding

I might have to train for the next year so I can do a sub-four hour run on this. Would that be possible?
Everywhere Else / Re: The PCT Volume 42: The Blue and the Gray
« Last post by mungeclimber on November 17, 2024, 09:26:54 PM »
If its now Pinns season and you're going to be there tues, wed or thurs, let me know by text. Or anyone that might be there midweek this week, send a message.
Masters of Mud -- Pinnacles / Re: Brad's Tour of Mud (TR)
« Last post by mungeclimber on November 17, 2024, 09:23:38 PM »
But did he finish with the BLL?!?!?! :)

I smiled rereading your TR. :)
Mud Puddle / Re: Bad Jokes and clever sayings
« Last post by clink on November 17, 2024, 06:39:03 PM »
 Quite contrary and awful!
Mud Puddle / Re: Bad Jokes and clever sayings
« Last post by Brad Young on November 17, 2024, 06:17:35 PM »
A lady goes to the doctor with a lettuce leaf sticking out of her pants.

The doctor says, “Oh, this is a strange one.”

The lady says: “Yes, and that's just the tip of the iceberg.”
Everywhere Else / Re: The PCT Volume 42: The Blue and the Gray
« Last post by Brad Young on November 17, 2024, 06:16:20 PM »
I meant to note that they finally opened this part of the PCT itself in late September. And the trailhead that we need to go back in on re-opened on the same day.

But just in case we might have been tempted to do a multi-day trip in northern Washington at the end of September? Yeah, they kept the seven mile section of trail from that trailhead to the PCT closed until two weeks ago (in fairness, that's where the burning actually occurred).

Here's to August, 2025!
Masters of Mud -- Pinnacles / Re: Brad's Tour of Mud (TR)
« Last post by Brad Young on November 17, 2024, 06:11:44 PM »
And who is Eric Leonard? He sounds like a guy with a highly advanced sense of adventure - if you know him please tell him that I said so?

I had a ball doing this with Looks Easy From Here after you inspired us to think of it as a real thing. But I sometimes wonder if I could have done it faster if I'd been, perhaps, 10 years younger (it took every bit of a day's energy when I was in my 50s!).
Masters of Mud -- Pinnacles / Re: Brad's Tour of Mud (TR)
« Last post by Atomizer on November 17, 2024, 06:06:51 PM »
This just got another send today. Eric Leonard did it in 7:50 CTC. I can't decide if I'm jealous or not at this point.
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