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Masters of Mud -- Pinnacles / Re: Quest for Mud (Special Edition)
« Last post by burnsbabe on Yesterday at 10:46:09 PM »
Photo dump incoming! We've got Stronghold stuff below, starting with just one of the Condor sightings on (I think?) Tower Three.

The lines for first Great Minds and then Second Opinion (direct start visible, with Elaine on lead):

The view from where I bailed on Lava Falls:

And the southwest end of Machete Ridge as seen from the base of The Powers That Be:

Masters of Mud -- Pinnacles / Re: Quest for Mud (Special Edition)
« Last post by mungeclimber on Yesterday at 08:59:56 PM »
what's the arete to the left of Costanoan (separate rib of rock)?
Masters of Mud -- Pinnacles / Re: Quest for Mud (Special Edition)
« Last post by burnsbabe on Yesterday at 12:29:22 PM »
Brad, I love that photo of The Citadel! As you know, Costanoan was my first multi, so the formation has some sentiment attached for me. The weather is good, the light looks great, there aren't any awkward shadows or anything, and you can see the party on the route, as well as Whitetail Rock below. Beautiful.
Masters of Mud -- Pinnacles / Re: Quest for Mud (Special Edition)
« Last post by Brad Young on Yesterday at 11:34:55 AM »

Aw shoot, I have yet to do it but thought that it mostly stayed in the groove until it got to the ledge with Costanoan and The Flying None anchors?

Yes, this is correct. Your purple line shows it finishing too straight up at the very top of the line.

Both people that climb this route in the next 100 years will look for a slight revision to your photo?

 ;D :P
Masters of Mud -- Pinnacles / Re: Quest for Mud (Special Edition)
« Last post by Marco on Yesterday at 11:10:30 AM »
I had to work pretty hard to get into position to take the photo and I suspect that your shot wasn't as high a priority for you?

Nice angle for sure. Is that the base of the Tidbits in the Citadel picture? Uphill from Torso and barely visible?

And your photo has an incorrect finish for Anasazi.

Aw shoot, I have yet to do it but thought that it mostly stayed in the groove until it got to the ledge with Costanoan and The Flying None anchors?
Masters of Mud -- Pinnacles / Re: Quest for Mud (Special Edition)
« Last post by Brad Young on Yesterday at 09:43:35 AM »

I had to work pretty hard to get into position to take the photo and I suspect that your shot wasn't as high a priority for you?

And your photo has an incorrect finish for Anasazi.

EDIT: And yes, a party of three on one rope. Experienced leader, experienced lowest follower and a completely new upper follower. All on one glow in the dark, red rope.
Masters of Mud -- Pinnacles / Re: Quest for Mud (Special Edition)
« Last post by Marco on Yesterday at 09:03:47 AM »
I had a very productive six days, down there starting New Year's Eve. Among many, many photos for the book, I got this of The Citadel:

Already on Citadel pictures?! This book is on track to be out by the next time I climb SPH  ;)


Nice pictures, almost looks like they are party of three but on one rope.

Your citadel picture is much better than the recent picture I added to MP:
Masters of Mud -- Pinnacles / Re: Quest for Mud (Special Edition)
« Last post by Brad Young on Yesterday at 08:41:27 AM »
I had a very productive six days, down there starting New Year's Eve. Among many, many photos for the book, I got this of The Citadel:

And while at this spot I took a close-up of the climbers on Costanoan. They are visible in the previous photo too. I later saw this crew at parking and air-dropped shots of them to them. they were pretty pleased.

Castle Rock State Park / Re: Cashel sessions?
« Last post by mungeclimber on Yesterday at 07:57:18 AM »
So that’s a no?
Masters of Mud -- Pinnacles / Re: Quest for Mud (Special Edition)
« Last post by Brad Young on Yesterday at 06:09:53 AM »
Nice routes and, on day two, nice efforts. There was a party of two at The Stronghold on Monday, the day you were at Lava Falls. It's nice to see the area getting some traffic.

And, given your promise to post photos, I'll avoid for now the "invalid without pictures" observation.
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