Off With Her Hand
Death apple?
Why, the connotation conjures ideas of a more modern, sinister sleeping beauty play. The transgender warlock turned witch creates this deadly fruit to collect life insurance from his gorgeous ceo/govenor and soon to be ex wife. You could even audition for the star role F4.Wouldn't that be road apple?
"The Old Man."
Wouldn't that be road apple?
"The Old Man."
Grey StreakerThat's terrifying to contemplate before coffee - even after.
Peanut butter
Half and half
Wheat bread
Chicken stock
RutabagaI had a bad experience with a rutabaga once. I'd be killed for sure if I ever climbed a route with that name!
Demosstified, for a very clean line free of moss. We'll never use that. Hah
No Moss
Dreaming of Sunshine
No Spring Chicken.
Chicken Fritters
head on breasts
Pompous Bolts
So Steep They Weep
Geezer Pleezer
If you bolt it, they won't come.
Would be more fun if the balloons were full of hydrogen and flaming arrows were being shot at him.
Did he have to register himself with the FAA?
Can he bring us lattes and paninis in the high peaks?
Dude Where's My Star?
Ballet For Idiots.
Ballet For Idiots.
Would you believe that I received this Life is Good tshirt(In ORANGE) as a gift.
I'll be pulling plastic later...
Youth In Asia
Caroline Cunningham is not so lucky on Getting Lucky in Kentucky (5.10b) at the Red River Gorge, Kentucky.
Happy Friday!
High Pathetically
Pink Eyeful
Prophets of Rage
Leaving Cali
Vote For Fluffy Bunny.
Now, now, let's not get political again - you all saw what happened last time.
Let's all resist our urges and keep it in our Pinns.
Mud Relative
Mud Brother
Brother From Another Mudder
Mudders Last Stand
"hallway sex" is when they pass in the hallway and say "fuck you."
The pantry is fine.
Clink on the Brink
Bolt Upright
Top Notch Top Ropes
Officially Unofficial
Repertoire of Rejects
Mud Curdling Scream!
Actually, "Mud Curdling Scream" is one of the best suggestions I've seen for a Pinns route in a long time (Vicki highly approved too). Have you dibsed it, or can I use it?
Almost (almost that is) of the same quality as Joaquin the Dog (that one just cracks me up).
The power of Mud is real, it must be embraced. Hugged even, especially if the hugger is cute.
On the Exorcist formation:
"The power of The Mud compels you. The power of The Mud compels you. The power of The Mud compels you."
Rumpus Pumpus
Intelligent First Ascender
Intelligent First absconder
Ginger or Mary Ann?
Hands on Mary Ann :ihih:There I fixed it for you.
Mud Diamond***Was a find, 5.7 bulge crux. 80'
High Lee Unlike Lee
We were the first ones in the parking lot and the last to leave - 13 hour day :ihih:
Bit of smoke, tolerable
Ripe and Retarded. ( comes to mind contemplating going to cling with Geoff and co. for a week.)
Rat kabobs
Lord Farquaad
Lord Fartsquat
Mud is Love
Love Headley Jumar!
Ashley Mudd
Mike Hell Boltin
Coming soon to a Pinnacle near you: "Mud Hog."
a formation that needed new routes, but which I thought would "last" for two seasons).
Every once in a while I come up with route names that honor my climbing partners.
We named one for K.C. last Spring: "Kentucky Woman."
Now I've got one for J.C., one that I'll name in his honor, and to reflect his last six months (and especially his summer, dominating a formation that needed new routes, but which I thought would "last" for two seasons).
Coming soon to a Pinnacle near you: "Mud Hog."
Priceless Pork Chops
If I could ACTUALLY SEE the goddamn photo whatshisname posted I could comment about the obvious resemblance.
But of course I can't see it. It's microscopic. Get a Flickr or Photobucket account OR DO SOMETHING.
If I could ACTUALLY SEE the goddamn photo whatshisname posted I could comment about the obvious resemblance.
I am having a Mud Life Crisis. Ihih Laugh Out Loud
Brother from a different Mudda
( (
Loose Screw
Protocol of Early Warning Fright
Pregnant With Ideas
Rotund With Possibilities
Meet Frank
Yes! It was a FAtionist description, not a route name! I am trying Brad's no eating after dinner suggestion. :)
We went on a hilarious phrase tangent yesterday at work that started with "Pregnant with ideas".
Oh My Stars!!
I've decided that by executive order I should be the Route Naming Czar.
Czars......makes me want to......... :puke:.......... :puke:.......... :puke:
You'd better watch out JC.
The pukes are difficult to align.
Some Soft Brushing Required
Danger Zones: The Nose - Accidents On El Cap's Most Popular Route
By Joel Peach
Moreover, as with plane crashes, falling itself is rarely problematic—it’s the sudden impact with a ledge, flake, or corner that causes injury. Be aware of such obstacles before making the decision to back-clean or run it out.
Bad dismount in the rain, JC?
Snow is better than breccia.
Does anyone even climb anymore?
Snow is better than breccia.
Snow cakes taste better than breccia cakes.
Breccia is Germanic - I thought it was Greek or Latin but internet sources say different :yikes: and means breaking/broken - quite appropriate for Pinns eh? :biggrin:
I'll take breccia, NOW. Or, starting next week, quartz monzonite
When do you deport southward, oops, I mean depart?
Midweek Monzonite or Mud
not enough forehead
Agent Orange Ad-Visor :biggrin:
I believe there may be a pic to prove the existence of that description.
I think said route word should be when said Agent is up to his... visor... in PO.
If there's a pic of him in the ruddy stuff, he should get some complementary napalm >:D
Cobbler's Revenge
Cobble Factor
Cobble Death
Because its in the guidebook [this is funny for an FA, just in case you didn't get it, because it wasn't in the guidebook]
Stick It or Stitch It.Stich it or Zip It
Stich it or Zip It
No, never heard of it.
Shot Through the Heart of Pinnacles.
Mud To Blame.
Bon Jovi? Really?
Someone needs to ban this thread. It's just dirty now.
Fowl Play
In honor of Sondgarden's lead singer passing---
Birth Ritual
Okay, I have the name, now I need a route to fit the name...
An 90's getto blaster w/ CD will of course be required at the base to help with the ambiance (sp?).
Seabright Brews
Paying For Sunshine
Urban Dictionary: Covfefe
Covfefe is the once secret name of an ancient tentacle monster that white supremacists fornicate with. The name was leaked to the public when...
Belizzi Bud :)
Fire It Up
Hot Heads Up
Hot Foot
Sweaty Nine Palms
Needs Salt
wrt to Poodle with a Mohawk
references a poster in Oakland 1982 and the artist being Lynda Barry.
Seems like it could be related?
I've always liked the name Hawaiian Noises. Gets the imagination workin'
There's a steep project to the right called Fifi wears Lycra.
That is one really nice chute.
Dirt Nap
Too dark/not "up" enough for a route name ;)
Shirley you can't be sirius.
I thought it was perfect given the lack of activity at the mud.
Wow. Mud is getting scriptural with that route name.
I hear the reservoir water has healing powers....just like the Dead Sea.
Arm Pittance
Moss I'd Like to Fondle
Roasted Chossnuts
The Fixture.
Fixture:a familiar or invariably present element or feature in some particular setting; especially :a person long associated with a place or activity
Naming a route after yourself Brad?
The frayed ends of sanity
:o :o
Passion Without Precision - for a route on Chaos Crag.
His antics in the movie would get him fired in today's real world. Thank God EvilMatt Lauer is so Yesterday.
Matt Lauer is so Yesterday.
Complaint Bewary.
His antics in the movie would get him fired in today's real world. Thank God >:D
Come on JC, we have to modify the name.
Munge, what are you yakking about now?
'Hitch in Your Giddyup ...
How is that hip doing, Brad?
- West Face of Third Sister - Regular Route
Nipple Therapy
Clod Hopper
...(for a route with dangerous loose rock).
As opposed to one with safe loose rock?
Evasive and Taxing
His 30 year old daughter has been a nun in an Eastern Orthodox convent in Boston. She's very spiritual and so he wasn't so surprised when she became a nun six or eight years ago. But now it's "has been." She found the perfect man, dropped out and the wedding is on February 4th.
Nun and Done
Old Habits Die Hard
I thought that these two were pretty quick and pretty clever.
You got a long drawn out groan from Vicki :o
Well Slung
Mud Diamond?
Feline Fumble
Cat out of the bag?
Baby Mudder
Why don't you come to your senses?
Call Me Stu
All names on the Northeast Frontier are snake related.
Danger noodle
I comment to Dennis about my friend Jennifer, who's just signed up for Mudn'Crud. I ask if he's cleared her under her chosen moniker: "B.A.P.".
Snob Job 5.10a**
Short Shorts
He Wears Short Shorts.
Short Shorts
He Wears Short Shorts.
Fizz Icks
Planet Based Diet
Checkoff Charlie
Is this one directed at anyone in particular? If, as I suspect, it is: POT/KETTLE :P :P
Constantly Anticipated
Now say it 10 times as fast as you can.
The act of being seen.
(For something in view of the trail)
Enormously Hard
Scat Turd Showers
The Rope Less Taken
climbing exposed as Brad Young's thighs to the summit.:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
...belay at a small stance. The final pitch begins with 30 ft of airy traversing up and left to the pinnacle's east side. Continue 140 ft on excellent rock and climbing exposed as Brad Young's thighs to the summit.
...belay at a small stance. The final pitch begins with 30 ft of airy traversing up and left to the pinnacle's east side. Continue 140 ft on excellent rock and climbing exposed as Brad Young's thighs to the summit.
Hot Bothered Waddle
The Great Burier
Dairy Air Head
Impossible Zucchini
Mr Mud loves rap bolting
Top down is the way
Can your sex life be more sustainable? These German entrepreneurs think so – and have grown a vegan condom brand into a multimillion-euro business to prove it.
In 2015, Philip Siefer and Waldemar Zeiler were in the middle of crowdfunding their new business venture. “We kept hearing the same question from people who were donating money,” says Siefer. “Are the condoms vegan? We didn’t even realise ourselves that condoms usually contain an animal protein to make the latex softer.”
The Berlin-based entrepreneurs were looking to capture a slice of the $8bn global condom market by appealing to eco-conscious customers. To their surprise, this group of consumers is remarkably large – and four years in, their brand of sustainable, vegan hygiene products is raking in a yearly revenue of around €5 million.
Their company, Einhorn, means unicorn in German. Imagery aside, the entrepreneurs say it’s actually a play on the term used to describe $1bn start-up giants like Airbnb and Deliveroo. While Siefer and Zeiler aren’t in the three-comma club yet, building sustainability into the core of their business has been successful, and not just because it’s popular with consumers. Rather, building sustainable values into their brand has opened doors within the business community that otherwise would have been more difficult to access.
Contains no animal products
Condoms are Germany’s second-favourite form of contraception, after the pill, but it was while shopping with his girlfriend that Siefer was struck by how outdated the branding seemed. He felt that today’s consumers might embrace a new eco-friendly alternative and, after originally dismissing the idea, Zeiler jumped on board, deeming the product ideal for ecommerce. The pair wanted to create a business that was fair and sustainable, not only for the planet but also for its workers.
After a decade in the start-up scene, they were searching for a way out of the capitalist dream. “If you’d have asked me as a child what I wanted to be when I grew up, I’d have said ‘a millionaire’,” says Siefer. “But after 10 years as an entrepreneur, I was seeing colleagues and friends around me making their million, but still not being happy.”
To get started, they launched a crowd-funding campaign which raised €100,000 ($111,000, £84,400) and it was at that point veganism became part of Einhorn’s product planning.
“We wanted to create a product that was easy to sell and ship online, and something where we wouldn't have to deal with returns, as that's one of the biggest costs for online sales,” says Siefer. “So condoms were the perfect product. We hadn't even considered whether they would be vegan or not.”
While the days when condoms were made from lamb intestines might be largely over, most options on today’s shelves still contain the animal protein casein. The key ingredient of condoms, of course, is latex – a natural milky sap which is extracted from rubber trees, mainly cultivated in tropical regions of Asia. Casein protein, widely found in mammals' milk, is used to soften the latex.
While the days when condoms were made from lamb intestines might be largely over, most options on today’s shelves still contain the animal protein casein
But Einhorn leaves out the casein protein – opting instead for a natural plant-based lubricant. It also takes care to obtain its latex in as environmentally friendly a way as possible.
Einhorn was by no means the first to create a sustainable or vegan condom. North American brand Glyde took that title back in 2013. Since then an increasing number of sustainable alternatives have hit the shelves hoping to make a dent in the global condom market, which will be worth $15bn by 2026.
While the market is still relatively new, Einhorn has found that most of their consumers are between 20 and 40 years old, with 60% of purchases made by women.
“Far too many people still feel embarrassed about buying products like condoms and end up hiding them under the rest of their shopping. So we wanted to reach out to conscious consumers with a sustainable product, while also getting rid of this taboo with our fun designs,” Siefer says.
Rapid expansion of large-scale natural rubber monoculture plantations over the past 30 years has led to deforestation, which has impacted the natural habitats of wildlife. To combat this, Einhorn has moved away from traditional plantations and instead works closely with a group of smallholders in Thailand.
These farmers avoid pesticides where possible, opting instead to remove weeds with a tool. The aim is to one day farm completely chemical-free. Trials on the land to determine which local plant species will promote biodiversity are also underway.
Studies have revealed serious issues linked to working conditions at some rubber plantations, so a member of Einhorn’s “fairstainability” team aims to be on site to help oversee production for at least three months of the year. Farmers are paid 15% above the minimum wage and projects to better inform workers about their rights are currently being organised.
Sustainable packaging remains a work in progress. While the company’s original packaging has been replaced with 100% recyclable paper, the next step is to create more sustainable individual wrappers without aluminium.
Pledging for the planet
Einhorn hopes to see its sustainable concept applied to other businesses. One way could be through their ‘Entrepreneur’s Pledge’, which they signed when they founded the business.
Inspired by The Giving Pledge, launched by Bill Gates and Warren Buffett in 2010, the pledge mandates that Einhorn invests 50% of its profits into sustainable projects. In 2018, for example, it invested 10% of its profits in CO2 offsets, which fund projects that reduce greenhouse gas emissions, such as restoring forests. Other beneficiaries include the bioRe Foundation which promotes sustainable organic cotton farming.
About 100 other entrepreneurs have since signed the pledge, and it has certainly boosted Einhorn’s business. Its big break came when it sealed a deal with German toiletries and household products giant DM.
“When we told DM what our buying and retail prices were, they weren’t convinced,” Siefer says. While Einhorn condoms retail at around €6 for a pack of seven condoms, industry giants are selling packs of eight for around €5. “But then we explained that we were going to reinvest 50% of the profits,” he recalls. “‘So every cent you take from us now,’ we said, ‘you're going to take it away from a good cause.’”
DM took the plunge and offered Einhorn a platform in the mainstream German retail market. Sebastian Bayer, managing director for DM’s marketing and procurement division, says customers are increasingly concerned about sustainability, “so we want to offer sustainable product alternatives”.
These smaller niche products are good but we really need to focus on areas like mobility and energy in the home which have the biggest impact on CO2 emissions – Anna Sundermann
Green products are certainly a growth area; according to the German Environment Agency, German consumers spent some €60bn on “green products” in 2016, and the trend is expected to continue.
Yet Anna Sundermann, an environmental research fellow at Leuphana University Lüneburg, says that while products such as Einhorn condoms should be welcomed to the sustainable market, their potential long-term effect on the environment is limited.
“These smaller niche products are good but we really need to focus on areas like mobility and energy in the home which have the biggest impact on CO2 emissions,” says Sunderman. That said, she believes that the more sustainable alternatives there are to conventional products, the better. “Networks of companies like Einhorn can make a difference in addressing systemic problems like global sustainable supply chain,” she adds.
New products, new initiatives
Today, Einhorn’s sustainable concept is making headway: last year the company sold more than 4.5m individual condoms. It also launched its own range of period products made from 100% organic cotton in early 2019. “We still have to pinch ourselves to realise that it’s still going strong,” says Siefer.
With a huge event planned at Berlin’s Olympiastadion in summer 2020, the company’s next venture is to bring its fair and sustainable concept to German politics. At a day-long event involving some 60,000 people, Einhorn plans to submit multiple e-petitions to the German parliament focusing on climate change policy and gender equality.
In the meantime, however, Siefer and Zeiler intend to give their shares in Einhorn away. At the end of this year, they will donate the shares to the company itself – meaning that it can never be sold, preserving its founding sustainable values: economically, environmentally and socially.
Now Mud and Noal are driving a convertible with the top down to work on a FAs, Noal raps to a backing beat while Mud drills? Brims forward or back?
Please supply Cliff Notes.
Don’t forget rubbing poison oak leaves on their chests.
Real men!
Please supply Cliff Notes.
Longest route name ever
Words and phrases subliminally placed in the article to encourage veganism and being a responsible participant in the use of mass produced products;
The Cook was Goosed
Even Turkey Vultures Do It Condor Style
Hamburger Helper
Hamburger Helper
Meat Grinder
Steak-umm Slab
or Manwitch?
Five Aces.
Just a game with lots of wild cards.
I'm a fan of the Old West when someone could draw down and blast you out of your boots for cheatin' at cards.
Those were truly the good ole days.
Aces and Eights
Tell it to Wild Bill. Those mostly preferred shooting someone in the back. There must be a climb worthy of "Drygulch".
Five aces
Just a game with lots of wild cards.
Four Flusher
Yesterday morning.
Four Flusher
Yesterday morning.
I got shut down on Spaceman Spiff yesterday morning.
I led Taking the Wind Out of Your Mudsails.
We need a joke thread...
Where does a dog go when he loses his tail?
Armed Watsonville man arrested for reportedly trying to steal beer and roses
Police said a 20-year-old was caught on camera flashing a gun, stealing several cases of beer and some roses and leaving in a getaway car at about 8:30 p.m.
Two hours later, a sergeant found the car in the 100 block of Grant Street and spotted Colin. Police said he was wearing the same clothes from the armed robbery.
As the sergeant approached Colin, the sergeant said he tried to run away and tossed a loaded gun over a fence.
Colin was arrested and is facing several charges, including being a felon possession of a gun. Officers were also able to find the gun and some of the stolen items, according to police.
By Avery Johnson
A "retail" store?
What did the poor cannibal say to the rich cannibal at the village banquet?
The Tecate Virus
(Waldo is a carrier)
Test Tease
Hail Klink or is it Kink?
Test Tease
One Track Mind
Clunk's Junk
A Test Tease is what the Emergency Alert System does. You think something is happening that might give you a day off school or work, but no, it was only a test.
So, while on the subject of broadcasting, I suppose Clunk's Junk is referring to my long range transmitter?
Clink, when JC is not looking, place a PO leaf in his shoe....
Punked and Skunked
I value my life.
Proposition Pinnacle
Vote Yes on No
Social Distancing
Off Gassing
Today is 4-2-20
sounds like a...
Studdering Stoner
Echoing this post. In only two short weeks it will be 4-20-2020
I see your point! Hindsight is gonna be stoned?!
For a hideous, loose, poorly protected offwidth that has the potential to F#$K UP YOUR LIFE:
"Zoonotic Spillover"
I had to look that up
Home confinement
I am Covidacus
It's what all the exhumed corpses would say in solidarity, if they could, to cover for patient 0.
Have any of these route words on this thread been used to name a route?
That's right.
Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse.
What am I talking about?
Look at your screen name.
It seems there is mischief afoot.
There is simply No Room for Squares.
Black Holes?
clink - I was watching the start of 2001 A Space Odyssey today and it made me think of you.
apes and monolith
Terminal Moraine
Moving Blanket
Going somewhere or just watching the fog?
Beer Battered Band-Aids
Crack Size Matters
Crack Size Matters
Red sky
Hold my beer
Pull my finger
Mud Shitter
Cobble Constipation
Pandemic Special
Pandemic Passion
Double the fees for the RV's (saw that once in a bathroom in the meadows or was it the valley)
He means So Park Pandemic Special
Yup! A must see
Ass Platter...super sandbagged of course. As in the saying: getting your ass handed back to you on a platter.
Remember if the mask is on your chin, it’s a chin diaper, which does nothing.
Peyronie's Pinnacle
Rules for Rebels
- A route on a 93 degree (slightly overhanging), smooth wall that is climbable by way of a shallow, up and left ramp: "Walk Like An Egyptian."
- The next route to the right, on the arete above Walk Like An Egyptian. It gets the crag's first sunlight, which is especially welcome on a cold day: "Ra Ra."
- A crack-to-face to the right of Ra Ra which gets an amusing name that my wife Vicki tossed out: "Tut Tut."
We still need a name for the almost-ready-to-climb, left-facing corner to the right of Tut Tut. Any geniuses out there (other than my wife) willing to come up with one on theme (and we'll share the first ascent royalties if you do)?
Tiny Schwings
At her husband's funeral, the widow just manages to contain her tears. A man leans in and says, “do you mind if I say a word?"
"Sure, go right ahead,” she says.
The man stands, says "plethora,” and sits down again. "Thanks,” the woman says, "that means a lot."
The Strommossity
( Decent length, questionable rock, poorly protected, mossy, and with a liberal amount of "I shouldn't be here".)
From the AAC
The Climb United Route Name Task Force (RNTF), composed of a group of publishers and climbing community members, was gathered to build the best publishing practices to avoid harm caused by discriminatory or oppressive route names.
If this is how the AAC is spending their time and money, I will recommend we cease any more donations from fund-raising events.
No Soup For You!
If this is how the AAC is spending their time and money, I will recommend we cease any more donations from fund-raising events.
No Soup For You!
Sometimes it's completely justified:
From the AAC
The Climb United Route Name Task Force (RNTF), composed of a group of publishers and climbing community members, was gathered to build the best publishing practices to avoid harm caused by discriminatory or oppressive route names.
Global Deworming
Penile Culls
I finally found the route that I will call Mister Rightbottom.
It is on Big Bottom Boulder (with fantastically hard rock). I put a bolt in it today to get it started.
Caleb won't see this. Maybe I should call and ask him to help me with the route?
I finally found the route that I will call Mister Rightbottom.
It is on Big Bottom Boulder (with fantastically hard rock). I put a bolt in it today to get it started.
Caleb won't see this. Maybe I should call and ask him to help me with the route?
Gonna try to finish this route tomorrow. Annnnd...
I may have Mister Rightbottom talked into going with to help. Will depend on how tired he is after a big day working today.
Dreams of solid cobbles
Yeah. Ask the Germans circa October, 1941.
Trans Mission
Nonexistent Skills Application
Snore and Bore
Gripe and Wipe
No, I’m getting nicknames prepared for the staff a the convalescent facility my kids will put me in when I become intolerable. We may even score beds in the same room JC.You know, boys, I'm quite a bit farther down this road than either of you. It does pay to plan ahead, however.
What would really be cool is having Brad at the same place. We could bribe the nurses to wheel us to his room and post videos of him drooling on his pillow!
I woke up this morning from a very vivid dream that involved big slabs of French toast dripping with butter and syrup. I wanted to run out to breakfast, but didn't have the time.
I’ve gone up a cup, er shirt size and also bought myself some stretchy jeans.
Maybe if you drove you'd have time.
Not to mention it takes 5 minutes to fix French Toast :yesnod: :lol:
Whoa Noal, way to turn Brad's "Breakfast at the New Hope Cafe" fantasy into the "The Big Slabs Dripping with Syrup and Butter Strike Back"
Who's Your Daddy
Completely legit claim.
It helps if you're not completely incompetent in the kitchen.
There's no sawdust or vitamins in French toast.
Beat a couple eggs in a bowl big enough to accommodate bread slices.
Add a splash of milk with a dash of cinnamon and a touch of vanilla extract.
Soak the bread in the mixture (flip once).
Melt a pad of butter in a pan or a griddle (coat the bottom of the pan).
Toss in the soaked bread and flip once when lightly brown.
Slather with butter and real maple syrup.
Stuff in your face.
I know I've made French toast on at least a few occasions when you stayed with us.
Problem was you were too busy listening to the sound of your own voice and pounding your fists on the table to pay any attention.
Add some golden raisins and toasted almonds to that chicken salad and you will be high fallutin'
So is the pack-it gourmet chicken salad and kickin' chicken cooking? I dunno but it is one of the most ingenious back packing foods.
And then there are those of us that, supposedly, aren't even human. Just robots.
Chicken Fries
Women are Voluptuous. Food is not. I'll take dreams of Russ Meyer blondes over dreams of French Toast any day.
Why don’t you come over the Friday after New Years for a game of Dungeons and Dumbasses, it’s a riot and disturbing.
Nice Brad!
Yes, JC, I tried to include you but you don’t really fit the description. When I sit, as I am now, there is definitely an oblate spheroid shape to my South Pole. Your hind end however is more like two dried corn cobs in a non reusable bag.
When I sit, as I am now, there is definitely an oblate spheroid shape to my South Pole.
:) >:D :)
Glamour Whiner
In honor of Waldo's first day back on the rock yesterday: “The Odd Twinge.”
Shit. I am already starting to get those.
“Happiness is when friends recommend a place that lets vans park overnight and which also includes a barbecue restaurant and you pull up to the place and wonder if it’s even it, it’s so damn funky and weird and you wanna make sure to lock your doors overnight but then you order dinner and taste the barbecue and it’s holy, holy shit fucking good.”
North Carolina is second to Alabama for best BBQ in U.S.
Glad you enjoyed it dude! Best BBQ we have ever had!!! ;D If we are in the area we will definitely stay again!!!
I'm a firm believer that no one thing is the best ever
Glad you enjoyed it dude! Best BBQ we have ever had!!! ;D If we are in the area we will definitely stay again!!!
I'm a firm believer that no one thing is the best ever.
North Carolina is second to Alabama for best BBQ in U.S.
North Carolina gets points deducted for introducing the cole slaw on a BBQ pork sandwich to the world.
Crap, now you've gone and gotten on topic again....
To quote Mr. Mud...
You guys using the 3 up arrows always confuses me. When I started in the forums, the up arrows were meant to describe who a person was responding to. So, responding to the post immediately above would only get one up arrow. The three arrows would signify replying to a post three posts above yours. So I'm constantly confused.
So thats where you were yesterday.
Next year, if I work out a lot to compete in the Hunky Jesus contest. We could team up as a duo and win! You'd be the Apostle Peter.
Dr. Heckle and Mr. Jive
"Backstep Butt Cheek Wriggle-Up Maneuver."
Just for J.C. ;)
Ferocious Butt Cramp
Home Alone?
Home Alone?
Absence and Flatulence
But my version is so poetically entwined.
Absence makes the heart grow fonder.
Flatulence makes a fart blow yonder…
Brad to the Bone
Don't Call Me Bro
Leave Me the Fuh Cologne
Don't Call Me Bro
Crack Size Matters
Was going through this thread and shocked nobody has used this one yet.
Or if you are insecure about the route: "Crack size doesn't matter"
or insecure of any phallic objects: "pinnacle size doesn't matter"
though I know some people use the 10m rule and I guess size does matter to them.
Soiled Shorts
I suspect that I'm done contributing anything to Mountain Project except occasionally, comments in the forum. And "no," the answer is "absolutely not" from now on if anyone wishes to copy any of my route descriptions from Mudn'Crud to that site.
In the future all route names will be replaced with GPS coordinates. You will also be able to climb routes virtually at home or have your Avatar do it for you in the Meta verse. Then "climbers" can have an opinion about routes they have never actually climbed! Then they can post on Mt Project all kinds of factually incorrect garbage.
You think the lack of VR has kept people from having opinions about routes they haven't climbed or posting factually incorrect garbage on MP?
Nice name, 5.13 damn! If you find a slightly overhanging jugfest that might go at 5.7, or an old Sears catalog, please let me know.
Gasping at Bras